Entei in a volcanic landscape, apparently its natural habitat. |
Entei is the second of the Johto legendary beasts, but I'm still not sure whether it's tied with Suicune as my favorite one, whether it is actually my favorite one or whether the honor of being my favorite legendary beast goes to Suicune. I guess the following two entries should decide which one of the above options is applicable to me. And yes, I know that it was Suicune who had a spot in my top 50 of favorite Pokémon, but as I said before, that blog is badly written and even makes myself cringe from time to time. Moreover, the majority of the Pokémon in that list were on there because of their designs. On this blog I'm taking a number of factors into account for my final rating - think about design, cuteness, competitive and in-game viability, fondness of the Pokémon, my own experiences, etc. - so there's a world of difference between the two blogs. I am of the opinion that this very blog is the better one by a landslide, although that should be kind of obvious: I am significantly better at English than I was three years ago, especially when you consider that I actually studied Enlish in order to become a literary translator in the meantime. But this blog is also a much bigger project than my previous blog. It will take up years and I think it's a very effective way to practice, and subsequently improve, my writing skills. I hope.
This art should at least clarify why I like Entei more than
Raikou. |
You know, I usually make shit up as I go, so excuse me for wandering off too much. This article is actually about Entei, who represents the flames that burned the Brass Tower. And no, it didn't
cause the fire; Entei was resurrected by Ho-Oh after the Brass Tower burned down, along with Raikou and Suicune - the former represents the lightning bolt that struck the tower and the latter represents the rain that quenched the flames consuming it. Entei's Pokédex entries actually contradict the whole resurrection thing, because they say that it is said that an Entei is born every time a volcano appears and that one erupts somewhere around the globe whenever Entei roars. Following that logic, there should be hundreds of Entei in the world, although it has to be said that the topography of the Pokémon world probably differs quite a bit from that of the real world. Entei is probably best known for its appearance in the third Pokémon movie,
Pokémon 3: The Movie - Spell of the Unown: Entei, in which a scientist gets sucked into an alternate dimension by a bunch of Unown, after which they make his daughter Molly's every wish come true and create an Entei as a substitute Daddy. This Entei wasn't real, but it was still pretty goddamn powerful for something that was nothing more than an illusion created by a bunch of letters.
A wild Entei appeared!
(Also, I picked this picture because there's a Togetic in it, duh.) |
Not only is Entei a powerful Pokémon, it also looks very regal. The mane of grey smoke definitely contributes to that, but its origin is the most important part. First off, Entei's name is composed of the Japanese words
en ('flame') and
kōtei ('emperor'), forming
entei ('flame emperor'). It is probably also derived from
enten, meaning 'blazing heat', which sounds about right when you consider that Entei can spout flames hotter than a volcano's magma. Even its Chinese name Yándì (炎帝) is derived from
yán dì, meaning 'flame emperor', and is actually a corruption of
entei. Aesthetically, Entei may be based on Chinese guardian lions, which correlates with it serving as a guardian for Molly and her allies in the third movie. Entei may also be based on the Balinese lion spirit
Barong, due to its lion-like appearance, mask-like crest - which also vaguely resembles a
kabuto, a type of helmet that became an important part of the traditional Japanese armor worn by the
samurai class, but were first used by ancient Japanese warriors - and masses of fur. This
Barong creature is often seen in Indonesian parades and festivals with the aesthetic features of Entei I just mentioned and all kinds of bling attached to it. But despite Entei's feline origin, it actually looks more canine, which oddly also applies to Raikou and Suicune.
Oh man, there's an abundance of Entei fan art to be found on the
Internet. I had a hard time picking the most awesome pieces of
art. |
Entei, however, is by far the best to use competitively. Whereas Suicune is used for stalling and both Raikou and Suicune can set up with Calm Mind, Entei has a few tricks up its sleeve that make it stand out to its two companions. First off, it is one of only two Pokémon that can learn Sacred Fire (the other is Ho-Oh, its resurrector), which is a base 100 physical-based fire-type move with a 50% chance of burning the foe and no recoil damage whatsoever (I'm looking at you, Flare Blitz). Second, its access to Extreme Speed makes Entei a fantastic late-game cleaner. Flare Blitz and Extreme Speed are exclusive to an event-only shiny Entei from 2010 and 2011, rocking an Adamant nature, so you're required to use this one if you want Extreme Speed. This particular Entei also knows Howl, which raises its attack by one stage, but that's not a very good move and doesn't do well on a Choice Band set at all. I'd recommend you go with a moveset consisting of Sacred Fire, Extreme Speed, Stone Edge and either Iron Tail or Iron Head. Sadly, that's as far as Entei's physical movepool goes, so you're basically stuck with these moves. Why, at least it's a good moveset; you can't really go wrong with it.
Even art that seems to be made with crayons makes Entei look
beautiful. |
But wait a minute, that shiny Entei isn't the only event Pokémon from the winter of 2011; players could also acquire shiny Raikou and shiny Suicune with event-only moves. Don't they have some tricks up their sleeves? The short answer to that question is, 'No.' The shiny Suicune has a Relaxed nature, which is a terrible nature that slows Suicune down; and at base 85 speed, it's already the slowest of the legendary beasts to begin with. One of the moves it has is Sheer Cold, which is a horribly inaccurate OHKO move, and even Aqua Ring, Air Slash and Extreme Speed don't really help its cause. Okay, Air Slash is a decent flying-type coverage move, but Suicune's base 75 attack stat renders Extreme Speed pretty much useless. And Raikou? Raikou has a Rash nature, which is not the best nature for it but also not the worst. The moves it gets are Zap Cannon, Weather Ball, Aura Sphere and Extreme Speed. Zap Cannon, like Sheer Cold, is horribly inaccurate, but at least it will inflict guaranteed paralysis on the foe if it hits. Thunder Wave is still better for guaranteed paralysis, though, and you can always use Thunderbolt to damage opponents. Weather Ball only works in combination with a weather condition; it will do base 50 normal-type damage when there's no weather, but it will turn into a base 100 water-, ice- or fire-type move in rain, hail or sun, respectively. It's merely situational and not very useful. Even Extreme Speed doesn't do all that much due to Raikou's base 85 attack stat, although I have to say Aura Sphere provides for some very neat fighting-type coverage.
Shiny Raikou (left), Entei (middle) and Suicune (right). Their shiny forms were
even present in the thirteenth Pokémon movie, Pokémon - Zoroark: Master of
Illusions. |
At the end of the day, though, it is clear that Entei is supposed to be a physical attacker and that Adamant nature only boosts its attack. And as Sacred Fire and Extreme Speed are both physical-based moves, Entei can make perfect use of them. I think I've made up my mind now: Entei - and not Suicune - is my favorite Johto legendary beast, and I don't think writing Suicune's entry will change that. What's more, I feel a little ashamed that I didn't include Entei in my top 50 favorite Pokémon, because it's no less than iconic. Plus, I am of the opinion that fan art of Entei is just this little bit more awesome than fan art of either Raikou or Suicune, and I'm not saying that because I like Entei much more than Suicune and, especially, Raikou. You probably already noticed that while scrolling through this article. And if you didn't, you're just fucking blind.
Rating: 5/5
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