Regice's icy body looks very much crystalline in this stunning
piece of fan art. |
Whereas Regirock's typing makes it more plausible it's actually based on the golems of Jewish folklore, Regice and Registeel are most likely just loosely based on these mythical creatures, being made of ice and steel rather than stone - or ceramic, for that matter. Regirock might be the most aesthetically pleasing of the three legendary titans, but I have to admit Regice is a lot more interesting flavor-wise. Its deep-frozen body, made entirely of Antarctic ice during an ice age, is cloaked in air of -328°F and everything and everyone that comes near it will be frozen solid instantly. Fire won't melt Regice's body, and even if it's immersed in magma it will remain intact. Dude, how fucking awesome is that? This giant ice statue can take a bath in scorching magma if it desires so and
will come out unscathed no matter what. That is scientifically impossible, as ice starts to melt at a temperature of 32°F. Which, by the way, is kind of a weird thing for me to say, because I live in the Netherlands and we use the Celsius scale instead of the Fahrenheit scale (as well as the metric system rather than the imperial system), so I've learned that the freezing point of water is exactly 0°C and the boiling point 100°C - and not 212°F, as the Americans so stubbornly hang on to. It's so easy to learn English and tell apart the spelling differences between the British and American variants, but the measurement systems used in English-speaking countries are an absolute mess and I just cannot learn them by heart, no matter how hard I try. Google to the rescue, I guess...
Official Sugimori art of Regice. |
But I ain't here to rant about no goddamn illogical measurement systems. This entry is about Regice, and basically it's just a specially oriented ice-type variant of Regirock. Whereas the latter has great attack and crazy defense, Regice is blessed with a great special attack stat and an insanely high special defense stat. Its special movepool might not be as impressive as Regirock's physical movepool, but there's definitely something we can work with. First off, Regice isn't very fast, so it's an option to set up with Rock Polish first and bombard the opposing Pokémon with moves like Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, Ancient Power and Signal Beam. Of course, such a set is supported by a Modest nature and a Life Orb, although the Choice Specs are viable as well if you drop Rock Polish for an attacking move. It could also be used as an offensive tank, sporting the Leftovers and the move Thunder Wave in order to paralyze - and thus slow down - foes, only to take advantage of that later on by shooting off its offensive moves in rapid succession. Okay, I'm overreacting a little bit, but at least it's an option. However, ice isn't a great defensive typing at all, resisting only itself, and Regice's glaring weaknesses to types like fighting, fire, rock and steel (the latter isn't as prevalent in competitive play as I'd like it to be) will only wear it down quicker, especially since three of the four tend to be physical-based rather than special-based. Finally, Clear Body prevents any stat reductions on Regice and is definitely the preferred ability, as Ice Body only heals its HP in hail, which will almost never occur in a competitive match. Unless one of the Pokémon has Snow Warning, that is...
The Regis all lined up. From left to right: Regice, Registeel and Regirock. |
While I think Regice is definitely interesting, its design is a bit too blocky to my taste. Especially the conical feet/legs are off-putting; they seem tremendously impractical and I'm 100% positive that those disc-shaped things attached to the underside of Regice's body prevent it from walking in an ordinary fashion. Then again, a Pokémon of Regice's caliber would probably just float; if it's cool enough to bathe in magma without melting, I'm sure floating wouldn't be that big of a problem. In any case, Regice isn't as competitively useful as Regirock and I am of the opinion that its design could have been a little bit better as well. Therefore, I won't grant it a perfect rating; instead, it'll have to do with 'just' 4.5 stars.
Rating: 4.5/5
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