At the left you can see Mew's old art, in which the tips of its feet
and tail are a darker shade of pink than the rest of its body. For
comparison, Mew's new official artwork can be seen on the right,
in which it has a uniform pink color. |
Awwww, would you take a look at that? IT'S SO CUTE!
Yeah, Mew is much more adorable than its clone and I've always liked it more than Mewtwo just because of this feature. Now, quite some things have been said about Mew in
Mewtwo's entry, especially with regard to the first Pokémon movie, so I'm not going to give in-depth details about that again; I'm going to focus entirely on Mew instead. One thing can be said, though: Mew has an entirely different personality than Mewtwo. Whereas Mewtwo was created to be a battle machine and has developed a resentment towards the human race as a result of being used by people for their own personal gain, Mew has shown a much more cheerful, playful and selfless personality. Mew is incredibly adaptable and is shown to travel freely through air and water alike. It can make itself invisible at will and therefore it is very rarely seen, making scholars declare it extinct or assume it to be a mirage. It only shows itself to those who are pure of heart and have a desire to see it, only making its altruistic nature more evident.
This special Ancient Mew card was one of my most valued
possessions when I was still collecting TCG cards. It even had a
special back print, shown on the right. |
But Mew is especially interesting in the fact that it is said to have DNA that contains the genetic codes of all Pokémon in existence, which is why it is believed to be their ancestor. This is also the reason why it can learn all kinds of techniques, being able to learn every TM, HM and Move Tutor move in the games (except those moves exclusive to a particular group of or individual Pokémon, such as Draco Meteor, Secret Sword or Dragon Ascent). I'll discuss Mew's competitive use later, but this feature indisputably makes Mew very versatile. The fact that it is believed to be the ancestor of all Pokémon makes many believe Mew is based on the recapitulation theory, a largely discredited biological hypothesis that, in the development from embryo to adult, animals go through stages resembling or representing successive stages in the evolution of their remote ancestors. That is why quite a few people think Mew resembles a vertebrate embryo, but I think it looks more like a combination between a cat and a jerboa, a desert rodent with large hind legs, small forepaws and a long, skinny tail. Sounds about right when you look at Mew, right?
But Mew wasn't only the center of my affection in the games; I also possessed a couple of valued Mew items, including a special Ancient Mew card that was issued in 2000 with the purchase of a ticket for the theatrical run of
Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One, limited to only the first week. I actually went to see that movie when I was ten years old, heh. I was too late to receive Ancient Mew, though, but I managed to get my hands on two copies of them later on.
OMG, look at Mew... It's such a cutie! |
The only thing that really bugs me is that Mew, even though it
does make sense, isn't stronger than Mewtwo is. But with very well-rounded stats across the board - it has base 100 stats in everything - its competitive utility is nothing to sneeze at. While it can be used both offensively and defensively, it is outclassed by bulkier psychic types such as Cresselia and Slowbro and stronger ones such as Mega Gardevoir, Latios, Mega Medicham and Metagross. However, its excellent stats across the board make it hard to take down and easy to fight with. Especially when you build a bulky Mew set, you're sure Mew will stay on the battlefield for a while. With a Calm or Careful nature (depends on your choice to use either Psychic or Knock Off, respectively, as its only attacking move), the Leftovers for a little recovery every turn, and a moveset consisting of Taunt to prevent stalling, Roost for some healing and Will-O-Wisp to cripple especially physical-based foes, you'll be set. And instead of Taunt you can also run Defog to remove entry hazards or Stealth Rock to set those up yourself, while an offensive Mew would not be a bad idea, either. I think you should find out what Mew can do yourself by experimenting with all kinds of crazy movesets, because there are really too many of them to discuss here.
And now, before we move on to my conclusion (I bet you know by now what that's gonna be), take a look at some incredibly adorable GIFs of Mew I just can't deprive you of.
Yeah, I'm guessing those GIFs put a smile on your face, am I right? AM I RIGHT??? They definitely put a smile on
my face, that's for sure.
At any rate, you probably know by now that I am a sucker for cute Pokémon (well, cute Pokémon that aren't exactly
supposed to be cute) and it probably won't come as a surprise to you that I'm giving Mew a perfect rating, either. I've loved this thing ever since I saw the first Pokémon movie and it was so refreshing to see those tranquil scenes of Mew between the violent and turbulent scenes with the bitter and indignant Mewtwo. Despite having no Mega evolutions and being weaker stat-wise, Mew is superior to Mewtwo in every aspect. Mew is chill. Mewtwo is not.
Also, Mew is apparently not a legendary Pokémon, but a mythical Pokémon. These are distinctive from legendaries by the fact that they are not easily capturable in the games because they are usually event-only. Good to know.
Rating: 5/5
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